Saturday, January 15, 2011

Our Little Vacay Within Our Vacay

We Recently just got back from a 2 week vacation visiting back home. It was so nice to see family and friends! I never thought that I would take a vacation back home! But we did and we loved it! We stayed at my parents house and my mom should run her own Inne b/c she took care of everything! Lover her! My hubby and I also went to Vegas while we were home. So much fun!
Living in China has made me appriciate everything 100x more like American food! Everything tasted sooo dang good! Our first night back, we booked it over to Wing Nutz with my mom, dad, and one of my brothers. It was AMAZING! The rest of the trip, we prioritized where we would eat and what places we would skip until next time. Ha ha! Never thought I would be doing that either! All of that good food has made me pay the price though. I have been working my butt off to remove the pounds that I put on while on vacation. Most of the calories came from when we went to Vegas. Too much good food there! It seriously was heaven! One of The best junk food places we went to was "Pinks". It was at Planet Hollywood where we were staying and sooo yummy!

K- don't even judge me! It was the best crappy food I have ever put into my mouth!
Then there are the buffets at Vegas! Sooo many to chose from, but my dad (who is like an un paid food critic) would always take us to The Rio's "Carnival" buffet when we were younger and would do day trips to Vegas quite frequently. It was a favorite and never dissapointed! So, that is where my husband and I went this trip. We stayed there for 2 1/2 hours!! We just kept piling our plates with crab legs and banana's foster!
And of course there are the MEGA size drinks at Vegas that always let you keep the way too big cup that would never fit in any of your luggage, but they are oh so good and as big as your head!
The next trip you take out to Vegas, make sure you go to Madame Tussauds Wax Museum if you haven't already. This was out seconf time going and they had changed and added things. It was a blast! Most of the figures are so real looking that it is kinda freaky.
My very, very favorite Wax figure is of Mr. Johnny Depp...*sigh* even in Wax he makes my heart skip a beat :)
Then there is Hugh. I had to poke him to make sure he wasn't real b/c he looks amazingly good! And I just love that he is on the "love" bed!

My husband's favorite wax figures were Cameron Diaz and Eva Longoria. I don't blame him. They are both hotties!
This picture I just had to put up cause it cracks me up everytime I look at it!

And then there is Lady Gaga who I love!
But my very favorite musician is Miss Britney Spears! I'm not going to lie, she makes my heart skip a beat also :)
And then there is my favorite Iconic celebrity. Marilyn Monroe. She is just beautiful in every way.
Before our trip out to Vegas, I had read that MGM had a CSI attraction where they have different crime scenes set up and you choose the one you want to solve. It was so fun and just such a different experience. I would recommended that to anyone who wanted to try something a little different.
We did a lot of things that we had never done/seen like the M&M factory. It was crazy that they made such a huge place based off of M&M murchandise. There was nothing I wanted to purchase there except Pink M&M's!
They also had a free 3D 10 minute M&M movie that we watched. It was actually kind of funny, but was even more funny was watching all of the little kids in the theatre try and touch the 3D figures that were in front of them!
We also went to the Coca cola was fun to just look around, but yeah, nothing I wanted to actually buy there.
Of course we went and saw the water show at the Bellagio and it was amazing as always!
So, this might be silly to some of you, but one of my favorite things that we did this Vegas trip was go to Fremont Street. I had never been before and it was really so much fun! It was like a mini Las Vegas only you are covered by a huge canopy that plays music and has a show going on up above you!
It was a blast! There were also a ton of people dressed up walking around that were working for tips so it was fun to go get your picture taken with them.
During our trip, we went into this store called "Sugar Factory" that has THE COOLEST suckers! The sticks are all blinged out and you can change the sucker flavor out whenever b/c they just screw down into the stick!
Anyway,I really wanted one but my husband was having a hard time justifying spending 25 bucks on a sucker plus another 12 bucks for 3 refills. I knew it was silly too but I really wanted one! So, at the end of our trip, my husband was the sweetest and let me go and pick a sucker and a pack of refills. What a sweetheart! I was so happy and they taste so good! It was worth it!
Our Vegas trip was so much fun and much deserved. Since we have moved to China, we had only 6 hours of alone time in a year! Two 3 hour dates that were rushed so it was so nice to to re connect and be in love again. Don't get me wrong, I am always in love with my husband, but to just be able to spend time alone togther with no worries or obligations was just what the doctor ordered! And Vegsa has such a variety of things to do that it was not only romantic but fun in every way! Thanks Vegas! You never dissapoint!


The Three Vree's said...

Viva Las Vegas! Looks like you had a blast! I'm sad we never got together!